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Pet Birds
Exploring the World of Cute 5 Small Birds with Long Beaks
Small Birds with Long Beaks: Every day we see beautiful and amazing species of birds in the world around us....
Humming Bird Food I Classification, Life Span and Distribution
Humming Bird: Generally, humming bird are one of the more than 300 species of small and brightly coloured birds belonging...
GyrFalcon Bird Life Span I Diet, Habitat and Life Style, Classification
GyrFalcon Bird: The gyrfalcon bird (Falco rusticolus) is one of the largest falcon species in the world. It is restricted...
Wild Birds
Exploring the World of Cute 5 Small Birds with Long Beaks
Small Birds with Long Beaks: Every day we see beautiful and amazing species of birds in the world around us....
Unbelievable Migratory Birds in Florida: The Top 5 You Need to Spot
Migratory Birds in Florida: Migratory birds are those birds that travel long distances in search of food and suitable habitats...
Papuan Harpy Eagles I Facts, Habitat, Classification & Life Span
Papuan Harpy Eagles: The Papuan Harpy Eagles (Harpyopsis novaeguineae) is a magnificent and strong predatory bird. This bird is mostly...
Great American Pelican Diet & Classification, Habitat and Life Span
Great American Pelican: The American White Pelican is one of the largest bird species in North America. It flies majestically...
Tawny Owl Facts and Scientific Name, Diet, Habitat or Life Span
Tawny Owl- The Tawny Owl (Strix aluco), also known as the Brown Owl, is a plump, medium-sized owl found in...